Crybaby Glide 240ml


Crybaby Glide 240ml


Crybaby Glide is a vegan skincare product that works as both glide and aftercare. As a glide, it goes on smoothly and reduces friction for minimal discomfort, and as aftercare it moisturises the skin, making it perfect for not just tattoo healing but also eczema and psoriasis.

Completely handmade, vegan and cruelty-free, Crybaby Glide provides hydration and nourishment for your customer’s skin!

Key Features:

  • Volume: 240 ml
  • Vegan-friendly and cruelty-free

In stock

Crybaby Glide is a vegan skincare product that works as both glide and aftercare. As a glide, it goes on smoothly and reduces friction for minimal discomfort, and as aftercare it moisturises the skin, making it perfect for not just tattoo healing but also eczema and psoriasis.

Completely handmade, vegan and cruelty-free, Crybaby Glide provides hydration and nourishment for your customer’s skin!

Key Features:

  • Volume: 240 ml
  • Vegan-friendly and cruelty-free


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